Welcome to Your Dementia Therapist.
I’m so glad you’re here!
About Mary
My name is Mary, an Occupational Therapist and certified coach here in Austin, TX. With over a decade of experience working directly with individuals living with dementia and helping caregivers, I’ve seen the positive impact I can make in the lives of others.
Over these past years, I’ve seen the challenges that caregivers face when helping those with dementia. My passion and love for helping others has ultimately led me to create my company, Your Dementia Therapist. Your Dementia Therapist is a company that provides digital education to family members and caregivers who are taking care of a loved one who is living with dementia. My digital education includes dementia resource guides, courses, workshops, & short video clips sharing dementia tips & dementia friendly activities, along with much more! With over 26,000 readers from all over the world, my mission is to help make life easier for dementia caregivers and increase quality of life for everyone involved.
Providing digital education to dementia caregivers
Email me: [email protected]